Induction ceremony photos

and videos from previous years


Photos from the 2021 Induction Ceremony (12-03-21) in Tucson for Grams & Kreger, El Casino Ballroom and Tony and the Torpedoes

Photos from the 2020 Induction Ceremony (01-19-20) in Phoenix for the Dave Riley/Bob Corritore Juke Joint Blues Band and the Rhythm Room

Photos from the 2018 Induction Ceremony (01-20-19) in Phoenix for Freddie Cisneros, Tom McMillian & Delmar Stewart (more photos)

Photos from the 2017 Induction Ceremony (06-24-18) in Phoenix for Tim Dustin

Photos from the 2017 Induction Ceremony (01-14-18) in Phoenix for Mike Eldred

Photos from the 2016 Induction Ceremony (01-15-17) in Phoenix for Andy Gonzales, Mike Howard, Jerome Teasley & Anna Warr

Photos from the 2015 Induction Ceremony (01-17-16) in Phoenix for R.D. Olson, Sugaray Rayford & Stan Devereaux

Photos from the 2014 Induction Ceremony (01-18-15) in Phoenix for Dave Riley & The Hoodoo Kings

Photos from the 2013 Induction Ceremony (12-29-13) in Phoenix for Jim Glass & Mike Lenaburg

Video from the 2013 Induction Ceremony (12-29-13) in Phoenix for Mike Lenaburg & Jim Glass

Photos from the 2011 Induction Ceremony (01-24-12) in Phoenix for Dave Forster

Video from the 2011 Induction Ceremony (01-24-12) in Phoenix for Dave Forster

Video from the 2008 Induction Ceremony (12-28-08) in Phoenix of Schabuttie Gilliame (aka The Chief)