Chicago Bar

The Chicago Bar has been supporting live music in Tucson for nearly 50 years. It remains one of the few venues to feature live music 7 nights a week.  When Kathy Warner and Bill Shew owned the bar they were instrumental in bringing Sam Taylor from Los Angeles to Tucson where he decided to make AZ his home.

In addition to Sam, other Arizona Blues Hall of Fame members, Tommy Walker and the Boogieman Blues Band, Tony and the Torpedoes, Anna Warr, Heather Hardy, George Howard, the Bad News Blues Band and Long John Hunter have all played regularly at the Chicago Bar.

The bar was bought by Jennifer Loraine six years ago and she vowed to keep the music alive.  Through the ups and downs she never gave up.  She fully supports the Southern AZ Blues scene as well as Rock and Reggae.  You can see Tucson’s premier Reggae band Neon Prophet every Saturday night and The Bad News Blues Band every Wednesday.  Heather Hardy can be found at Chicago Bar on the occasional Sunday or Friday.

There’s always something good for the music scene happening at the Chicago Bar.