francine reed

Born into a financially wanting but musically rich family of singers in Chicago, Francine’s gospel-singing father was her first musical influence. Jazz, R&B and later Blues would also have a profound impact on the young songstress. After a family-motivated move to Phoenix, Reed became known for her magnetic performances and immediately set the standard for other regional singers. In addition to her own successful club and festival dates, she opened shows for such greats as Miles Davis, The Crusaders, Smokey Robinson, Stanley Jordan and Etta James.

While in Phoenix, a young, virtually unknown singer by the name of Lyle Lovett encountered Francine at a local nightspot and was so impressed he hired her shortly thereafter. In addition to her eight year stint as a featured backup vocalist with Lovett’s Large Band, Reed’s velvety rich vocals appear on four of his releases. Lovett returned the favor to his longtime friend by contributing and appearing on the lead track of Francine’s 1995 debut release “I Want You To Love Me”. Additional guest contributors included the song writing talents of Muddy Waters and Randall Bramblett and the musicianship of The Muscle Shoals Horns. The release debuted at an impressive #7 on Billboard’s blues chart and has sold over 20,000 units to date.

Francine lived in Phoenix for over 20 years. Her recent relocation to Atlanta has been great for her career. She coincidentally moved right across the street from the city’s premier Blues Club, Blind Willies. This is where the Ichaban International record label and Atlanta blues fans discovered Reed’s incomparable vocal talent and electrifying stage presence. She is signed with Ichaban International records. She is touring the world now and gaining new fans everywhere she goes. A true Arizona legend now belongs to the world.