leon kittrell

Drummer and vocalist Leon Kittrell leads Statesboro Blues Band, a Tucson Blues tradition for over 18 years. Statesboro has received praise from Charlie Musselwhite, Johnny Copeland, Robert Cray, Bo Diddley and Otis Rush. It was the first band that Sam Taylor joined after being wooed to Tucson from California.

A native of Oakland, CA., raised in Tucson, Leon started playing drums in church, progressing to gospel singing in the 50’s. He’s considered one of the finest blues singers in the western U.S. today.

Prior to joining Statesboro, Leon did a stint in L.A. as a studio drummer from 1972-1982, backing the Temptations, Ester Phillips and Jimmy Smith, as well as making recordings for Bell Records. He also worked with Ike and Tina Turner, Ray Charles, James Brown, and an early version of Tower of Power.